その...その => Every... N1
Happens next
...そのもの => Myself... N2
Demonstrate by example
そのものだ => exactly ~ N2
Consider it
一方では...他方では => On the one hand N2
この / その / あの => this / that N5
Spatial relations
そもそもの... => ...First, truly, first of all (due to) N2
Base, base
その上 => besides; in addition; furthermore ~ N3
[事「こと」]だ => A is necessary/good (offering advice/suggestion) N3
Needs, Requirement
そのうち => some day/some time eventually N3
Short period of time
その結果 => as a result of; after ~ N3
事と次第によって => Depending on the progress of the situation N2
How to say the beginning
そのとたん => as soon as; just as ~ N2