そもそも => Most accidents, after all N2
~もそこそこに      => do …. hurry N1
そもそもの... => ...First, truly, first of all (due to) N2
Base, base
...そのもの => Myself... N2
Demonstrate by example
そのものだ => exactly ~ N2
Consider it
それとも => or; or else ~ N3
それとも => A? or B? N3
List, Examples
そもそも...というのは => in the first place; to begin with; from the start; originally N2
Base, base
いかにも…そうだ => Looks truly... N3
Accept, agree
それでも => Even though A, B N2
そうにない/そうもない => very unlikely to; showing no signs of ~ N2
その...その => Every... N1
Happens next