てとうぜんだ => A is common, natural, not surprising N2
Adjectival, Descriptions
だらけだ => Lots/tons of A N2
Degree, Level, Amount
も[同然「どうぜん」]だ => The same as saying A, as good as A N2
Adjectival, Descriptions
だけど => A, however/but B N3
かぎりだ => Very A N1
Degree/ Level/Amount
だけ => Just, Because of, as much as.. N5
かけの/かけだ => B in the middle of A; half-A B N3
Time, Situation
だけましだ => Although A, B is (still) true (and is good) N2
なぜなら => A was done/decided because of B N3
Reason, Result, Response
だけしか => Only A can B , Nothing except N3
Not only, Not even
つもりだ => Plan to, be going to N4
Sentence Endings
つもりだ => Plan to A, not to A N3
Will, Decision, Doing