ちゃんとする => Serious, tidy, complete N3
Result status
ちゃんと => Clear, neat, dignified, complete N3
Result status
なけりゃ => If not ... N2
Condition (hypothetical condition)
~なくちゃいけない      => must do; need to; gotta do ~, say necessary to do something N5
ないと/なくちゃ/なきゃ => must do; need to; gotta do ~ N3
なくちゃ => must do; need to; gotta do ~ N3
Necessity, obligation
ないと,なくちゃ => Must do A N3
Needs, Requirement
ちゃった => to do something by accident, to finish completely N3
どちら => Where N5
ここ/そこ/あそこ/こちら/そちら/あちら => here / there / over there N5
Spatial relations
いらっしゃる => to be; to come; to go (polite version) N4
...かける => Impact N3