~みこみがたつ => have a good prospect N1
... みます => try doing ~ N4
Conjugate verbs
まみれ => covered with; stained; smeared with ~ N1
つまり => in other words; in summary N3
てすみません => I'm sorry for... N4
つきましては => about; concerning; regarding N2
Cause, reason
まみれ => Covered in A (negative condition) N1
Adjectival, Descriptions
ひとつまちがえば => Just (negligence) N3
しまつだ => Denotes negative results A N1
Reason, Result, Response
~みこみだ => ~Expected N1
Determined, determined
~みこみちがい / みこみはずれ> => ~Contrary to expectations N1
Beyond expectations
~且つ(かつ) => and N1
Line up, list