につれて => As A changes, B changes (together) N2
Information, Report
ずにはいられない/ないではいられない => Can't help but A; A is unavoidable N2
Will, Decision, “Doing”
ていられない => Cannot continue to A N2
Needs, Requirements
[切「き」]れない => Can't finish/complete A N3
Potential, Possibility
つつ/つつも => While A, B. Although A (is beng done), B N2
Information, Report
なければならない => Must do A; have to A N4
Can, Should, Must
てばかりはいられない => Cannot always A N2
Needs, Requirements
~かもしれない => Might A, maybe A, perhaps A N4
Sentence Endings
つ~つ => Doing A and B (repeatedly, one after another) N1
Information, Report
かも[知「し」]れない => Might A, maybe A, perhaps A N3
Sentence Endings
[必要「ひつよう」]はない => It is not necessary for A to be done N2
Needs, Requirements
でも[差「さ」]し[支「つか」]えない => It's OK if A, it doesn't matter if A N1