どおり => in that way N3
Base, base
どうやって => how N5
どうりで => indeed,it's no wonder N2
Base, base
…どうりがない => No reason... N2
Emphasize negative meaning
通り (とおり/どおり) => in the same way as; in the way; as ~ N2
よりいっそ => I'd rather... than... N2
さっぱり…ない => nothing/ absolutely not… N2
Position, perspective
…とばかりおもっていた => Thought that ... N3
てっきり...と思う => surely; certainly; without a doubt N3
さっぱりだ => There is nothing exciting or positive at all N2
Emphasize negative meaning
に限り/に限って/に限らず => only if N2
どの => which N5