のが~です => to be N4
... のが...です => Highlight interests and skills N4
Abilities, interests
ものか/ものですか => there's no way ~ N2
(の中)で~が一番~です => out of this group, [A] is best N5
のほうが...です => one is better than the other N5
のは~です => [A] is [B]; the reason for [A] is [B]. N4
... のは ...です => [A] is [B]; the reason for [A] is [B] N4
Describe, explain
すら/ですら => even ~ (with emphasis) N1
ですか => Isn't it? N5
だ/です => to be N5
は...です => to be N5
すら,ですら => Even A N1
(Not)only , (Not) even