てもらえるとありがたい => grateful, thankful if... N4
がわかります => Capacity N5
に関わらず/に関わりなく => in spite of; regardless of ~ N2
~にたえる (耐える)    => bear doing ~ N1
…たりしたら/しては => ... Such as N3
Demonstrate by example
に[加「くわ」]えて/に[加「くわ」]え => In addition to A (not only A), B as well. N2
Lists, Examples
わりには => for, despite, although, unexpectedly N3
~きわまる/きわまりない(~極まる/極まりない)      => extremely; very ~ N1
さえ...たら => Just...is enough N3
Conditions (sufficient conditions)
…にはむりがある => difficult to do; is unreasonable / unrealistic / impossible N3
かかわらず/かかわりなく => Even though A, Regardless of A; without relation to A N2
Based, Focused, Depending on
ていただけるとありがたい => I would really appreciate it if ... N3