[禁止「きんし」] => Don't do N4
Can, Should, Must
んばかり => Seems like A, Seems as if A N1
Adjectival, Descriptions
[謙譲語「けんじょうご」] => Humble form of A, humble form of する verbs N4
~ましょう。 => Let's (together), Shall I/we…? N5
Verb suffixes
でしょう => I think... Probably.., I wonder if... N5
~ば => If~ N4
を[禁「きん」]じ[得「え」]ない => Can't help but do A, can't hold back from A (emotional response to something) N1
Will, Decision, Doing
に[反「はん」]して/に[反「はん」]し/に[反「はん」]する/に[反「はん」]した => In contrast to A N2
んです => Because, by… N4
Situations and Experiences
とあれば => If A N1
Conditional, While
ばこそ => Because of A N1
Reason, Result, Response
きり => Only A N3
Degree. Level, Amount