…ときたひには => when it comes to N2
Story topic
ひとり ... のみならず => not only…, not just… N2
ひとり ... だけでなく => not only…, not just… N2
たり~たり => do such things as A and B N5
ひととおりではない => Not as usual (is okay) N2
Emphasis on degree
ひとつには…ためである => Partly because of ... N3
Cause, reason
ひとつ => A little N3
Repetition, habit
~たり~たりする => Do things like V1,V2 N5
Verb suffixes
~ひいては => by extension N1
ひととおりの.... => in the same way as; in the way; as (like everyone else) N2
…たりしたら/しては => ... Such as N3
Demonstrate by example
ぜひ => by all means; certainly; definitely ~ N5