ひとり ... だけでなく => not only…, not just… N2
なけりゃ => If not ... N2
Condition (hypothetical condition)
ないと/なくちゃ/なきゃ => must do; need to; gotta do ~ N3
じゃありません => not to be N5
Emphasize negative meaning
なくちゃ => must do; need to; gotta do ~ N3
Necessity, obligation
ひとり ... のみならず => not only…, not just… N2
んじゃなかったか => shouldn't have... N4
ひととおりではない => Not as usual (is okay) N2
Emphasis on degree
ないと,なくちゃ => Must do A N3
Needs, Requirement
ちゃった => to do something by accident, to finish completely N3
じゃありませんでした => was not, were not N5
Emphasize negative meaning
ひとつ => A little N3
Repetition, habit