ほどだ => Over N2
Degree, Level, Amount
~がほしい => I want ~ N5
Asking and Telling
ば~ほど => The more A, C N3
Degree. Level, Amount
にほかならない => Only A N2
Reason, Result, Response
ほど~ない => A is not as C as B N4
てほしい => I want (person, thing) A to B (action) N4
Verb Suffixes
ほかない => There are no other methods except for A N2
(Not)only, (Not) even
より~の[方「ほう」]が~ => B is more C than A N4
た[方「ほう」]がいい => It would be better to A N4
Can, Should, Must
ない[方「ほう」]がよい => It would be better to not A N4
Can, Should, Must
ほど => So much B that it's like A , The extent/degree of B is so high that it seems like A. N3
Information, Report