にほかならない/からにほかならない => nothing but; none other than ~ N2
にほかならない => Only A N2
Reason, Result, Response
いらっしゃる => to be; to come; to go (polite version) N4
~によらず      => regardless of ~ N1
にしてからが => Even... N1
Demonstrate by example
からには => so long as N2
~やたらに => randomly; recklessly; blindly N1
Emphasis on degree
~にてらして(に照らして)      => according to; in view of; in light of ~ N1
くらいなら/ぐらいなら => rather than (do …)​ N1
に[比「くら」]べて/に[比「くら」]べ => When compared to A N3
Comparison, Exchange
なにかしら => I wonder (feminine) N4
かりに…たら/…ば => If..., suppose... N3
Condition (hypothetical condition)