に[難「むずか」]くない => It's not hard to A N1
Adjectival, Descriptions
ずに済む => get by without doing ~ N2
なくて済む/ないで済む => get by without doing ~ N2
からつくる/でつくる => made from; made with N4
ずつ => a piece; each; at a time N5
More or less in quantity
~やむをえず  => unavoidable, no other way to do something N2
Necessity, obligation
ずくめ => completely; entirely; nothing but ~ N1
に気がつく => to notice; to realize N4
ずにすむ => Not doing A will suffice; Can get by without doing A N1
ずくめ => Completely A, entirely A N1
Degree/ Level/Amount
むき => facing towards N3
むしろ => rather; instead N2