に関わらず/に関わりなく => in spite of; regardless of ~ N2
わ...わ => so much, so many N1
かたわら => While doing A, (B) N1
Information, Report
かたわら => while; besides; at the same time; in addition N1
にもかかわらず => despite; in spite of; nevertheless; although ~ N2
~ににあわず (に似合わず ) => ~Different from N1
わ...わ (で) => and (listing negative things happening at the same time) N1
Line up, list
かかわらず/かかわりなく => Even though A, Regardless of A; without relation to A N2
Based, Focused, Depending on
...わ => feminine sentence ending particle N4
~きわみ => the utmost N1
Limit, limit
わけても => Especially N1
わざと => on purpose; intentionally ~ N3