そこへ => Right at that moment N3
そこへいくと => In comparison N3
Proportional, parallel
からこそ/~ばこそ/こそ => precisely because ~ N2
~もそこそこに      => do …. hurry N1
ここ/そこ/あそこ/こちら/そちら/あちら => here / there / over there N5
Spatial relations
どうも ... そうだ/ ようだ/ らしい => It seems, probably N3
それこそ => exactly that N3
Emphasis on degree
それでこそ => Such N3
Cause, reason
ところを/ところに/ところへ => At time/situation A N2
Information, Report
ところを/ところに/ところへ => Right on time/At the right time N2
ばこそ => only because ~ N1
へた => Bad at... N5