つつ/つつも => While A, B. Although A (is beng done), B N2
Information, Report
て[下「くだ」]さる => Do for someone N4
Give and take advice
つ~つ => Doing A and B (repeatedly, one after another) N1
Information, Report
[以下「いか」] => Less than A, under/below A (amount) N1
Degree/ Level/Amount
て下さいませんか => Please do A (polite) N5
Asking and Telling
つつある => In the middle of A; in the process of A N2
Time, Situation
た[方「ほう」]がいい => It would be better to A N4
Can, Should, Must
より~の[方「ほう」]が~ => B is more C than A N4
[一方「いっぽう」]だ => Change A continues, A does not stop N2
ない[方「ほう」]がよい => It would be better to not A N4
Can, Should, Must
[下「くだ」]さる => Give B to A (A is you, your friends, your family, etc.) N4
Give and take advice
しまつだ => Denotes negative results A N1
Reason, Result, Response