以来 => since; henceforth ~ N2
中 => While (Lasting) N3
途中で/途中に => on the way; in the middle of ~ N4
中 => During the period (Term) N3
を中心に => focused on; centered on~ N2
最中に => while; during; in the middle of ~ N3
途中 (は) => on the way; in the middle of ~ N3
中 => Throughout, all over, during the course of N5
て[以来「いらい」] => After A, B (continuous action/condition N2
Information, Report
と伝えていただけませんか => Could you tell, Could you convey N4
に行く/に来る/に帰る => go/arrive/go back (to do something) N5
(の中)で~が一番~です => out of this group, [A] is best N5