やなにか => the same, equivalent to N4
Demonstrate by example
事と次第によって => Depending on the progress of the situation N2
How to say the beginning
やなんか => Something like... N3
~やたらに => randomly; recklessly; blindly N1
Emphasis on degree
に[限「かぎ」]った[事「こと」]ではない => It's not limited to A, it's not only A N1
Degree/ Level/Amount
なにやら => something, some kind of N2
や => ... or... N5
Line up, list
や否や => as soon as; the moment ~ N1
[事「こと」]だ => A is necessary/good (offering advice/suggestion) N3
Needs, Requirement
や、やいなや => As soon as A, B N1
Time, Situation
やらなにやら => In addition to the facts / things, there are many other things like that … N2
Demonstrate by example
や => and; or N5