以来 => since; henceforth ~ N2
以下 => As follows, below N3
以上 (の) => Just mentioned above N1
以外 => with the exception of; excepting ~ N2
以上(は) => because; since; seeing that ~ N2
以上 の => more than; not less than; beyond ~ N2
~これ以上...ば => if ~ any more than this N1
Condition (hypothetical condition)
…以外(いがい)に…ない => with the exception of; excepting ~ N4
[以下「いか」] => Less than A, under/below A (amount) N1
Degree/ Level/Amount
て[以来「いらい」] => After A, B (continuous action/condition N2
Information, Report
~をもって(を以って)      => by means of; with; on / at / as of (time)​ N1
[以上「いじょう」] => Because of A, B (is an expected/natural result), Now that A, B, More than (or including) A , More than (or including) A N2
Reason, Result, Response