も同然 => just like; same as ~ N2
~ににあわず (に似合わず ) => ~Different from N1
と同時に => at the same time as; while; simultaneously ~ N2
~もどうぜんだ(~も同然だ)      => just like; same as ~ N1
も[同然「どうぜん」]だ => The same as saying A, as good as A N2
Adjectival, Descriptions
~ばよかった/~たらよかった/~ばよかったのに/~たらよかったのに => If only N3
ただし/ただ => right; correct. N2
… たら => Introduction N4
How to say the beginning
…たりしたら/しては => ... Such as N3
Demonstrate by example
たとたん(に) => as soon as; just as ~ N3
たり~たり => do such things as A and B N5
たぶん => Maybe... N4