使役形 => Causative form N4
くないです => Adjective negation N5
Emphasize the negative meaning
~V使役受身      => causative-passive form N4
Conjugate verbs
[使「し」][役「えき」] => Coercive, permission, allow, make N4
Causative, Passive, Volitional
~く/ ~にする      => to make something ~ N4
Add meaning
~は~くらいです      => about the only, to the extent that N3
Emphasis on degree
[使「し」][役「えき」][受「う」]け[身「み」] => Imperative N4
Causative, Passive, Volitional
くする/にする => To make, to change into N5
Change, cause and effect
くする/にする/ようにする => to make something ~, to decide on, to try to; to make sure that ~ N4
せいにする => Blame... N2
Cause, reason
~くらいで      => only N1
くらいの => Approximate~ N3
Emphasis on degree