をおいて~ない => Other than A, B N1
(Not)only , (Not) even
そうにない => N2
Potential, Possibility
ようになる/なくなる => Become… N3
Time, Situation
を[余儀「よぎ」]なくされる => Must do A N1
Will, Decision, Doing
を => Over , across, along... N5
うではないか/うじゃないか => Let's go A; Why don't we A? N2
をはじめ/をはじめとする => For example, A N2
Lists, Examples
ざるを[得「え」]ない => Only A is left to do/can be done N2
(Not)only, (Not) even
を[経「へ」]て => After A N1
Time, Situation
をもとに/をもとにして => A as a basis for B N2
Based, Focused, Depending on
に[相違「そうい」]ない => No doubt N2
Information, Report
でなくてなんだろう => It's definitely A (and not something else) N1
Information, Report