に[先立「さきだ」]って/に[先立「さきだ」]ち/に[先立「さきだ」]つ => Before A occurs/takes place N2
Time, Situation
に先立って => before; prior to ~ N2
に[先駆「さきが」]けて => The earliest, very first in A; Ahead of A, in advance of A N1
Time, Situation
に行く/に来る/に帰る => go/arrive/go back (to do something) N5
に先駆けて => prior to; to be the first (pioneer); being ahead of ~ N1
むき => facing towards N3
すき => to like... N5
きらい => Hate... N5
... ときく => I heard N2
~きわみ => the utmost N1
Limit, limit
~むきがある(~向きがある)     => There is a tendency N1
きり => only; just; since; after ~ N2