は~で有名 => famous for ~ N3
~のぼる  => To increase N2
Reach level
~ものとする => understood as ~ N1
Consider it
(の) なら~するな => If...then don't... N3
Condition (hypothetical condition)
~には~の~がある      => has its own~ N3
... あるのみだ => only way …., only to do …. N2
ときているから/ときているので => because of ~ N1
ものとする => A is decided N1
Information, Report
たるべきもの => have the capacity to be a... N1
Of course
からある/からする/からの => at least; as much as; as many as ~ N1
この / その / あの => this / that N5
Spatial relations
...かのように見える => to look; to seem; to appear ~ N2
For example, simile