切る => Give up, stop... N3
Happens next
切る/切れる/切れない => to do something completely to the end/unable to do; too much to finish/complete N3
手前 => considering; before; in front of; one’s standpoint N1
のが上手 => to be good at doing something N5
のが下手 => to be bad at doing something N5
[切「き」]れない => Can't finish/complete A N3
Potential, Possibility
~をかわきりに(~を皮切りに)      => One after another; starting with ~ N1
~んがため(に)/~んがための      => in order to ~ N1
~づめだ      => full of N1
ため => In order to, for N4
Purpose, target
めったな => hardly; rarely; seldom N2
ずくめ => completely; entirely; nothing but ~ N1