に[基「もと」]づいて/に[基「もと」]づき/に[基「もと」]づく => Based on A N2
Based, Focused, Depending on
づらい => difficult to do ~ N4
~づめだ      => full of N1
に基づいて => based on; on the basis of ~ N2
[続「つづ」]ける => continues, to continue to N4
Secondary Verb
~くらいで      => only N1
くらいの => Approximate~ N3
Emphasis on degree
ていく => ...lose, ...go (eliminate) N4
にくい => difficult to do ~ N4
くらい/ぐらい => approximately, about, almost N5
Nくらい => about; approximately N N3
Emphasis on degree
どのくらい => how long N5