[時「とき」] => At the time A N5
と同時に => at the same time as; while; simultaneously ~ N2
Vた[時「とき」] => After having done something N5
~ひょうしに(~拍子に)   => the moment [A], unintentionally / inadvertently caused something to happen N1
に即して/に則して => According to/ in keeping with/ to be based on ~ N1
と伝えていただけませんか => Could you tell, Could you convey N4
に[即「そく」]して => In accordance with A, Keeping A in mind, In keeping with A N1
Based/focused/depending on
ように言う/頼む/注意する/伝える => to convey; to report; to transmit; to communicate; to tell; to impart; to propagate; to teach. N3