[合「あ」]う => To do A together/mutually N4
Secondary Verb
と[言「い」]わせれば => On the view of N1
Based/focused/depending on
をかわきりに => Starting with A N1
をくださいませんか => Please give me A (polite) N5
Asking and Telling
てみせる => To show (the action) A N1
Will, Decision, Doing
を[問「と」]わず => Disregarding A; Without relation to A N2
Considering, Concerning
かたわら => While doing A, (B) N1
Information, Report
をはじめ/をはじめとする => For example, A N2
Lists, Examples
ずにすませる => Get something done without doing A N1
させて[頂「いただ」]きます/させてもらいます => Allow me to A N1
[終「お」]わる => To finish A; A ends N4
Secondary Verb
をものともせず => To defy A, in spite of A, to not lose to A N1
Will, Decision, Doing