のを知っていますか => Do you know...? N4
は~で有名 => famous for ~ N3
かも[知「し」]れない => Might A, maybe A, perhaps A N3
Sentence Endings
ておられる => ( Honorifics) N3
Respectful, humble
それを => Despite that ... N2
Things do not match the prediction
~られる => Passives (express facts, information) N3
とみられる/とみられている => to think; to suppose; it is believed/expected that ~ N1
をくれる => to do a favor; request a favor; do something for ... N5
に~られる => Being (troubled/disturbed/annoyed/bothered) N3
と考えられる/と考えられている => one can think that; it is conceivable that; considered ~ N2
を[余儀「よぎ」]なくされる => Must do A N1
Will, Decision, Doing
...を...みる => judging from; seeing that ~ N4