果たして => as was expected; sure enough; really; actually ~ N2
その結果 => as a result of; after ~ N3
てばかりいる => Repeatedly or continuously ~, without doing other things N3
Repetition, habit
てもらえるとありがたい => grateful, thankful if... N4
その[結果「けっか」] => Because of A (in the past), B N3
Reason, Result, Response
~きわまる/きわまりない(~極まる/極まりない)      => extremely; very ~ N1
~たり~たりする => Do things like V1,V2 N5
Verb suffixes
V‐る+なり => as soon as; right after ~ N1
Happens next
ていただけるとありがたい => I would really appreciate it if ... N3
かりに...ても / としても => even if N2
Condition (hypothetical condition)
ている => Repeat N5
でもあり, でもある => is also... N2
Proportional, parallel