結局 => after all; eventually; in the end ~ N3
その結果 => as a result of; after ~ N3
と言う/と言っていた => you could say; one might say; I'd say ~ N5
と言っている => To say that ... N3
その[結果「けっか」] => Because of A (in the past), B N3
Reason, Result, Response
と言っていました => Someone said... N4
と[言「い」]うのは => Means, is N3
Information, Report
と言われている => it is said that ~ N3
と[言「い」]わせれば => On the view of N1
Based/focused/depending on
から[言「い」]って => If you think about/consider A N2
Considering, Concerning
と[言「い」]っても => Although A is the case, B (as well) N2
Lists, Examples
と[言「い」]っても => Although A is the case, B (as well) N3
List, Examples