際に/際/際は => occasion, time N2
[際「さい」]して/に([際「さい」]し)/に[際「さい」]しての => At the time of A (which starts now).. N2
Time, Situation
に際して => on the occasion of; at the time of ~ N2
に行く/に来る/に帰る => go/arrive/go back (to do something) N5
...なり...なり => [A] or [B] or~ N1
...なりなんなり... => any,anything,whatever N1
~ふり(~振り)      => to pretend; to act as if N3
通り (とおり/どおり) => in the same way as; in the way; as ~ N2
たり~たり => do such things as A and B N5
限り => to limit... N3
Limit, limit
... ばかり => About … N2
More or less in quantity
~の至り => extremely ~ N1
The highest (comparative) level