~のぼる  => To increase N2
Reach level
むりをする => to work too hard, to try too hard, to strain oneself N3
... おぼえはない => don't remember... N3
Position, perspective
~やむをえず  => unavoidable, no other way to do something N2
Necessity, obligation
むきもある => There are people… N3
Of course
を[余儀「よぎ」]なくされる => Must do A N1
Will, Decision, Doing
NがNを/にV-させる => Who (N) makes...who (N) do what N4
をして…させる => to make somebody do something, to let somebody do something N2
NがNをV-させる => to make somebody do something. to let somebody do something N4
Conjugate verbs
~むきがある(~向きがある)     => There is a tendency N1
をください => Please give me N N5
Asking and Telling
Nは/がNをV-させる => N makes/lets/allows N do V (N is person) N4