という意味だ => This means... N4
意向形 => volitional form​ N4
めったにない => Rarely N3
Degree. Level, Amount
めったに~ない => hardly; rarely; seldom N3
~にかたくない      => easy to do; it's not hard to ~ N1
たしかに/なるほど~かもしれない => might; perhaps N3
にたえる/にたえない => Can't do A, can't stand/tolerate A, Can do A, N1
Potential, Possibility
にはあたらない => There's no need to A, N1
~たいしたことはない => trivial,not amounting to much N1
Emphasize the negative meaning
~にかぎったことではない => not limited to only ~ N1
たいして…ない => ~is not much of~ N3
Emphasis on degree
たものではない => Impossible N2