...どおし => Throughout N3
~どおしだ(通しだ)      => do something all the time N1
~をおして      => to overcome (opposition); to push past ~ N1
...ことをとおして => through; via; throughout; by ~ N2
Go through, go through
お => Prefix N5
Respectful, humble
お~願います => please do (A) N2
... おぼえはない => don't remember... N3
Position, perspective
ずにはおかない/ないではおかない => Will definitely A, N1
Will, Decision, Doing
ないでおく => Leave it as is ... N2
Purpose, target
おいそれと(は)…ない => Not easy, hard to N3
におかれましては => in respect of; in regards to; as for N1
~しいしい => Every once in a while... (Repeat situation) N1
Repetition, habit