尊敬語 => Honorifics N4
[尊敬語「そんけいご」] => Respectful form of A N4
らしい => It looks like N3
らしい => Seem to~ N4
Sentence Endings
ないかしら => I wonder (feminine) N4
いかにも…らしい => indeed; really; truly N3
Accept, agree
らしい => it seems like; I heard; apparently ~ N3
らしい => it seems like; I heard; apparently ~ N4
…くらいの…しか…ない => Only… at low level N2
Limit, limit
しかしながら => however, nevertheless N2
Things do not match the prediction
ぐらいならむしろ => If...then it would be better... N2
Cause, reason
...し, ...し, ...から => and; and what's more ~ (emphasis) N4
Line up, list