たちまち  => Immediately, Quickly, Suddenly, In a moment or flash N2
すなわち => in other words; namely ~ N2
ちゃんとする => Serious, tidy, complete N3
Result status
いたします => to do (polite form of します) N4
... みます => try doing ~ N4
Conjugate verbs
... します => Make... become N4
Purpose, target
にV-ます => Frequency N5
Repetition, habit
がちです/がちになる => A tends to become/happen/occur N2
Potential, Possibility
ままにする => as, to do as ~ N4
ひとつまちがえば => Just (negligence) N3
ます => Habits, facts, future actions N5
Repetition, habit
にV-ます => Starting point N5
Starting point