ちゃんとする => Serious, tidy, complete N3
Result status
がちです/がちになる => A tends to become/happen/occur N2
Potential, Possibility
ておられる => ( Honorifics) N3
Respectful, humble
~みこみちがい / みこみはずれ> => ~Contrary to expectations N1
Beyond expectations
~られる => Passives (express facts, information) N3
させてくれる => Let me... N4
うちに => While... N3
どちら => Where N5
とみられる/とみられている => to think; to suppose; it is believed/expected that ~ N1
... るとか ... るとか => それとも... または N4
Demonstrate by example
たちまち  => Immediately, Quickly, Suddenly, In a moment or flash N2
ここ/そこ/あそこ/こちら/そちら/あちら => here / there / over there N5
Spatial relations