は~で有名 => famous for ~ N3
合う => do something together N3
に限り/に限って/に限らず => only if N2
に[限「かぎ」]った[事「こと」]ではない => It's not limited to A, it's not only A N1
Degree/ Level/Amount
限り => to limit... N3
Limit, limit
~こと請け合い => I guarantee ... N1
Happens next
[合「あ」]う => To do A together/mutually N4
Secondary Verb
限りだ => to feel strongly N1
を限りに/限りで => starting from; the last time (ending a continued action) N1
場合(は) => in the event of; in the case that ~ N4
限り(は)/限り(では) => as long as; while… is the case; as far as; while ~ N2
~ににあわず (に似合わず ) => ~Different from N1