てあげる => Help, do for N4
Give and take advice
[上「あ」]げる => Just finished/completed A N3
Time, Situation
てさしあげる => Do for N4
Give and take advice
とみられる => It is thought/said to (be) A N1
Information, Report
げ => Looks A N2
Adjectival, Descriptions
あげる => Give B to A (A is a third party, not yourself) N4
Give and take advice
てくれる => Do for someone. N4
Give and take advice
さしあげる => Give B to A (A is a third party, not yourself) N4
Give and take advice
ていられない => Cannot continue to A N2
Needs, Requirements
ずにはいられない/ないではいられない => Can't help but A; A is unavoidable N2
Will, Decision, “Doing”
とされる => It is said/believed/thought that A N1
Information, Report
それなら => If A is the case, then (let's) B N2
Reason, Result, Response