間 => while; during; between ~ N4
瞬間 => At the very moment N3
Short period of time
間に => while; during~ something happened N4
[間「あいだ」]/[間「あいだ」]に => During A, During A (before A is finished/over) N2
Time, Situation
~ といっても間違いない => although I say; although one might say ~ it doesn't matter ... N1
これ/それ/あれ => this/that N5
Spatial relations
~かれ~かれ      => sooner or later; more or less N1
であれ~であれ => whether [A] or [B] N1
…けれど => Explanation N3
かれ~かれ => A or B N1
Lists, examples
それを => Despite that ... N2
Things do not match the prediction
それでは => Well then N4
Change the subject of the story