辞書形 => Dictionary form N5
Conjugate verbs
~きわまる/きわまりない(~極まる/極まりない)      => extremely; very ~ N1
[極「きわ」]み/[極「きわ」]まりない => Extremely A N1
Degree/ Level/Amount
きらい => Hate... N5
ときとして…ない => At no time N2
Emphasize the negative meaning
ても ~きれない => No matter how much... N3
抜きに...れない => without; leaving out; cutting out ~ N2
Conditions (necessary conditions)
[切「き」]れない => Can't finish/complete A N3
Potential, Possibility
抜きにして/ 抜きにしては~れない => without; leaving out; cutting out ~ N2
ないと/なくちゃ/なきゃ => must do; need to; gotta do ~ N3
ひとつ…できない => cannot do the bigger things N3
...きれない => unable to do; too much to finish/complete N2