〜がさいご(が最後) => if you do... negative result N1
Decisive (resolute decision)
たが[最後「さいご」] => Once A occurs, B happens N1
Information, Report
最中に => while; during; in the middle of ~ N3
[後「あと」]で => After V1, V2 N5
[最中「さいちゅう」] => In the middle of A N3
Time, Situation
の下で/の下に => under; with ~ N2
ば~のに/たら~のに => would have; should have; if only ~ N3
のうちに => Within... N3
でも~のに => Even... also..., then... N2
Demonstrate by example
~のに      => to (do something); in order to ~ N4
Purpose, nominalization
のに => although, in spite of, even though ~ N4
いかのように => As below N4