は~で有名 => famous for ~ N3
かりに...ても / としても => even if N2
Condition (hypothetical condition)
たりとも~ない => not even; not any ~ N1
より(も)むしろ => rather; instead; better ~ N3
..... ばかりもいられない => can't keep doing ~ N2
もしかすると/もしかしたら~かもしれない => perhaps; maybe; perchance; by any chance ~ N3
たしかに/なるほど~かもしれない => might; perhaps N3
かもしれない => might; perhaps; indicates possibility N4
少しも~ない/ちっとも~ない => (not) at all; (not) in the least ~. N3
もしも~なら/ もしも~たら/ もしも~ても => if; in the case; supposing ~/If... no matter what N3
あるいは~かもしれない => Or maybe... perhaps N4
Line up, list
つもりはない => have no intention to / didn't mean to ~ N3