むりに => Try to..., make an effort to... N3
Necessity, obligation
...はむりだ... => impossible N4
~をかわきりに(~を皮切りに)      => One after another; starting with ~ N1
むりをする => to work too hard, to try too hard, to strain oneself N3
…にはむりがある => difficult to do; is unreasonable / unrealistic / impossible N3
より(も)むしろ => rather; instead; better ~ N3
~やむをえず  => unavoidable, no other way to do something N2
Necessity, obligation
をかわきりに => Starting with A N1
なくて済む/ないで済む => get by without doing ~ N2
を限りに/限りで => starting from; the last time (ending a continued action) N1
を頼りに => to rely on / with the aid of something N2
~をたて(~を経て)      => through; after; via N1