に向かって/に向けて => to face; to go towards; to head to N2
向け/向き => to be suitable for N2
意向形 => volitional form​ N4
へ => Go to N, head to N , Often followed by verbs like 行く/いく, 来る/くる, 向かう/むかう… N5
かのようだ/かのように/かのような => as if; just like ~ N2
いかのように => As below N4
[向「む」]け => Made for A, intended for A N2
Adjectival, Descriptions
いかにも…そうだ => Looks truly... N3
Accept, agree
か~ないかのうちに => right after; as soon as N2
かのうちに => right after; as soon as N2
どんなに…だろう(か) => how…!; what…! N3
Emphasis on degree
どうにかする => find a way to N2
Conditions (sufficient conditions)