果たして => as was expected; sure enough; really; actually ~ N2
て仕方がない/てしょうがない => can't help but; very; extremely ~ N2
てしょうがない/てしかたがない => Very A; Really A; Extremely A N2
Degree, Level, Amount
しかしながら => however, nevertheless N2
Things do not match the prediction
にしてからが => Even... N1
Demonstrate by example
その結果 => as a result of; after ~ N3
なくして(は)~ない => cannot do without ~ N1
たいして…ない => ~is not much of~ N3
Emphasis on degree
決して~ない => never; by no means ~ N3
ながらに,ながらの,ながらにして => While A, during the condition A, Since A (point in time) N1
Time, Situation
~がほしい => I want ~ N5
Asking and Telling
~てもしかたがない => There's no point to~; it's no use to~; it cannot be helped N1
Accept, agree