とはくらべ[物「もの」]にならない => It's no match for A N1
Comparison/ Exchange
ずにはおかない/ないではおかない => Will definitely A, N1
Will, Decision, Doing
ぐらいのものだ => Only A N1
(Not)only , (Not) even
ぬきにして/~ぬきで => Exclude A; Stop/end A; Without A N2
というものではない => Not sure, not means N2
Information, Report
あかつきには => After A then B N1
Time, Situation
つつ/つつも => While A, B. Although A (is beng done), B N2
Information, Report
には[及「およ」]ばない => There is no need to A N1
ものだから => Because of A N2
Reason, Result, Response
ずにはいられない/ないではいられない => Can't help but A; A is unavoidable N2
Will, Decision, “Doing”
[折「おり」]には => When A, at the time A N2
Time, Situation
にはあたらない => There's no need to A, N1